Relax and Pedal Harder


My daughter has been learning to ride a big girl bike; it is hard, scary, and frustrating (For both of us.) Re-perched after a fall, she began to sing, "relax and pedal harder; relax and pedal harder when you're scared on a bike."  I smiled and breathed deeply – those were just words Mama needed to hear.  

Sometimes learning how serve women from preconception to postpartum effectively is quite similar to learning to ride a bike. It can be hard; at times we fall, but most often the solution is to relax and simply try again. 

We have recently decided to rename: The Motherhood Collective Grief Support Group. After several years of serving women facing infertility, miscarriage, pregnancy and infant loss, women told us that the term "grief" does not portray the heart of this support group. We agree. Under the new name of The Motherhood Collective Care Group, our leaders will continue to come alongside you with education, support, and validation - only now, their name will accurately convey comfort, affirmation, and hope. 

Just like my little one when she falls off her bike, it would be understandable to be disheartened over the criticism surrounding the previous name. But I think we would agree that there, on that ground, we have a choice: to surrender to our shortcomings or to push past discomfort into brand-new territory. 

Thank you for pushing us to learn the hard lessons. Thank you for entrusting us with your stories. Thank you for coming to us with your burdens and broken hearts. Thank you for helping us become more than we are. 

You are the reason we serve.

Would you share this Care Group with those who need it most? They continue to meet on the first Monday evenings of each month at 7pm and the third Wednesday afternoons at 12 noon. I assure you, this community of women is more beautiful than ever. 


Most sincerely,