Friday Goodbyes

Kiera has been one of the most enthusiastic, helpful and overwhelmingly committed volunteers that we have ever had. We had planned to do another round of Friday Introductions that she would have been included in, however, life happens and she is moving! (insert all the sad feelings) So, we decided we'd still share a peek into the loveliness that is Kiera with a little Friday goodbye. We will miss you, Kiera, but are so excited to see where your new adventures lead you!

1) Introduce yourself! 

Hello, my name is Kiera. I (almost) have a degree in Health Promotion clinical track; I am only a few classes short. I just turned 26, eeek! That sounds a lot older than 25. I am a full time mama, wife, and yolo-ing lady. I am a fan of reading, movies, watching unhealthy amounts of The Bachelor and Gilmore Girls, hiking, swimming, running, drinking water, and sleeping. My one and only child as of now is Graham, 10 months old and on the move. He is a ball of joy.

2) How did you come to work with TMC?

I came to TMC after I announced I was pregnant, looking for people in the same place in life that I was. I found great support and a very genuine group of women. Love you all!

3) How do you take your coffee?

Black because if it is not good black then it is not good coffee and not worth drinking, or I would rather a dirty chai please! Espresso over ice cream is amazing, try it and you will be so happy.

4) If you could pick any vacation in the world, what would it be and why?

So many places I would love to visit. Italy, France, Iceland, Australia. I am so intrigued by new cultures and their take on food. It is so great that my husband loves to try new foods and enjoys the occasional glass of wine, so with him it would be so fun. Also I really want to visit the Grand Canyon because Seth has never been and to see his face when we see that landscape in view would be just the best.

5) What has been the hardest part about your motherhood journey?

The hardest part of the motherhood journey is the transitions; I get used to one stage of sleep/nursing schedule and everything changes. Also the beginning when you are so crazy needed all of a sudden, it is a huge weight to adapt to. We are still adjusting, trying to let go of our old lives...we will get there.

6) What has been the best part?

The best part is each new adventure past the transitions, the changes you see in your little one. Him growing, him, all of us learning, it is beautiful.

7) Leggings as pants: yay or nay?

They are definitely not pants, but it won’t stop me from wearing them. No judgement here mamas! Leggings are better than PJs or ugly sweatpants in public. What is that? Did you put on clothes today? Good job Mama.

8) Favorite TV show?

My favorite TV show right now is Stranger Things, fingers crossed for a new season in 2017! Downton Abbey is probably my favorite TV show ever.

9) Favorite junk food?

Ice cream is my weakness. Is peanut butter junk food? Cause I can eat that like it is nobody's business. (The 100% peanuts, peanut butter. #pbsnob)

10) Best advice you’ve ever been given?

So much advice from the parents that I still hear in my head often, thanks for that. My mom always said to me “I hope you are as pretty on the inside as you are on the outside.” I hear this almost every time I look in the mirror. My dad always tells this story about how he was outside watching my sister and brother play and the neighbor comes out and says “I wish I remembered my kids at that age.” He said that there in that moment he promised he would never say that. He would be there and remember us. He always chose to not take the promotion because he knew it would be more time away from my mom. The best advice I ever was given was watching my parents' example of trusting God, loving and laughing with each other often and serving others as much as they can.