Happy New Year!

I love fresh starts. I have for as long as I can remember. When I became a mother, my love for new mornings after nights full of tending to baby became my favorite thing.

Perhaps, it is my deeper acknowledgement of my need for second chances. Perhaps, it is the promise of possibility. But this new year has me feeling courageous.

This new year doesn't erase the old one. But it's a mark in the sand. A mark that says, "what is no longer has to be, and what is to come is up to you." 

We each have different dreams for 2016. We each have different stories. My hope is that you will allow us to "equipeducate, and empower" you in this coming year.

Our communities are only as strong as the mothers and children who inhabit them. So, cheers to a year full of strong and educated women, fully equipped to empower the next generation. Cheers to "nurturing the mother to grow the child."